Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ecology Event!

Hi! I have exciting news. There is a Ecology event in Cape May, New Jersey. It is called Coast Day. It's at 11:00AM -4:00PM Sunday, October 10th, 2011! There will be exhibits all dealing with maritime life, and the conservation of rivers, lakes, streams, bays, and oceans. You can learn more about Coast Day at:
Live music will be preformed by The Herd of Turtles. Even more, all parking, admission, and activities are completely free. Food will be available at the Lobster House Restaurant Dock.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Hey, we can all help the Earth a lot. So I"m going to tell you what we do in Ecology Club. You can recycle:
-plastic bags
-ink jets and laser scanners
-plastic bottles and juice pouches
You can also help other people by trying to organize a can drive, donate canned food to a can drive, take stray animals to animal shelters and so much more. To help the planet we are asking you to recycle your paper and  plastic so it doesn't end up in landfills and water sources. Remember this planet is ours and we can make a difference.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hi! This is my first post! If you come on this blog please spread the word about it. You can be in my Ecology Club if you follow me! I know right now this blog isn't the greatest, but I PROMISE it will get better. What are you waiting for, tell all of your friends!